Tommy: 2008-2022 Personal Dog

Tommy came from New Orleans.  He stayed at the London Humane Society for a full year.  Lovingly, Sisters Jaylene and Dou Anne rescued him there.  6 years ago, he bacame a permanent member of the pack.

Tommy's social experience proved invaluable. A dominant and defiant dog, he knew how to handle any dog. We're going to miss his presence!

Annak: 2008-2020 Personal Dog

Annak is the best dog I have known.  Originally my brother’s dog, he grew up in Whistler, BC.  Sasha helped raise him.  A stalwart among dogs, he was fantastic with people.  A standard for any dog to live up to!

A kind-hearted soul, a giant among us, Annak will be remembered for his kindness and his faithfulness.

Client Dog

Charlie is the best!  I love Charlie!  Maybe the best dog of all time in the pack, competing with Malibou and Annak.  When we met Charlie, he needed help.  A senior dog now, we are treated by occasionally walking Charlie in the pack

An explorer, Charlie has fantastic social skills and is the best player ever. I am blessed to have had him in the pack.

Orlie: 2005-2019 Client Dog

Orlie was a special dog.  I don’t know if I’ve ever met a nicer dog who simply wanted to please.  Orlie was the very first client to join the pack with Sasha.

Orlie was the best listener in pack history. An incredibly loyal dog. He was also the most photogenic.

Client Dog

We really miss Flint, who moved to Victoria, BC, about 5 years ago.  If there was a hall of fame for athlete dogs, Flint would be in it.

An original member of the pack. All the dogs looked up to Flint for his drive and Focus.

Finn: 2005-2016 Client Dog

Finn joined the pack later in his life.  A difficult dominant dog with a troubled past, his passion for people made him a real star.

"The Golden Athlete", Finnigan enjoyed every moment of the walk.

Leo: 2007-2017
Client Dog

Leo was the first dog with behavioral problems to join the pack.  Willing to snarl, growl, and bite people.  Leo taught me how to earn trust and respect from a dog.

A cheeky dog, Leo's play style involved stealing balls and sticks from other dogs.

Jazz: 2011-2018
Client Dog

The Jazz was so special.  A dog who loved to runaway, she loved people more than any other dog.  Jazz was the master between human and dog social skills.

Let Jazz off leash and she's gone.. "Jazz! Come!" ... probably said that 567 times ... at least!

Gus: 2006 - 2018 Client Dog

Gus loved people!  I think his instincts to rescue overrided everything for him.  Enthusiasm to love was his best quality.

Gus was a high energy Newf. Running was his talent, affection was his obsession.

Client Dog

Baci was an original cornerstone member of the pack.  His obsession was with balls, he loved people.  Baci added balance to the pack.  His best friend was Milo, the Weimaraner.

Baci now lives his elder years in Toronto. His memory continues to live within the pack.

Client Dog

Loki had depression and that’s why he joined the pack.  He improved rapidly because he had friends.  A charismatic dog, he loved to run.

Loki was well liked by all dogs. Having friends helped him out of his sadness.

Client Dog

Foxy grew up at a daycare for children but became unmanageable due to her high energy.  She joined the pack back in 2013.  Although feisty, she socialized remarkably well.  She remains a lover of children.

Foxy was competitive, fearless, confident, and loved to chase dogs and bark at them like they were cattle. A very sweet dog.

Marley: 2004-2019 Friends Dog

Marley was rescued from the Nappanee Humane Society.  A dominant female willing to tell off any dog who disrespected her.  Marley walked in the pack occasionally, but it was fun when she did. 

Marley's best quality was her kindness towards people. I don't think any dog loved and behaved so nicely around people more than her.