Dog Walking

Up to 5 hours of walking in a pack of up to 18+ dogs.  I have over 10 years of experience walking packs, including seniors and disabled dogs.  I specialize in dogs with aggressive antisocial issues.


Walking is meditation, a dance, a performance, an artistic expression, and a spiritual pursuit of calm confidence.


Dog Training

Communication is the key to any successful relationship.  Dogs communicate differently from us; they use body language and energy/scent.  With over 10 years of experience living with up to 75 dogs, I have become an expert dog communicator.

My goal is to teach people how to communicate better with their dog.


10 years of photography experience specializing in nature and dogs.  My medium of choice is film photography which I develop and process myself.  I have participated and sold prints at art shows.  


I have also photographed weddings, concerts, businesses, families, and London special events.

From $40

Why I love dogs

Dogs give purpose to my life.  I feel privileged to have developed deep connections with them.  I have grown as a human being through my tireless pursuit in meeting their needs.  My responsibility to dogs is in consistently producing a calm confident energy that they love to follow.

10+ Years Experience

Flexible Scheduling


Available 365 days a year